1820s pub which is now a Grade II listed building and on CAMRA's London Regional inventory. Originally at least four bars, it has been opened up around an island bar, although still retaining the feel of two separate bars. Lots of etched glass and some original, Victorian ornate snob screens, divorced from their original setting. There is an outdoor drinking area at the front. Despite an extensive food menu, it is still primarily a locals' pub. Hoegaarden on draught.
Historic Interest
Grade II listing:- Public house. Late C19. Yellow brick set in Flemish bond with dressings of red brick, stone and terracotta; roof obscured by parapet. Three storeys over basement, four windows to Cloudesley Road and three to Cloudesley Square, which are the principal fronts. In the 'Queen Anne' style. Ground-floor pub frontage framed by Corinthian pilasters of grey and pink polished granite. Two entrances in Cloudesley Square, flat-arched with small scrolled pediments over, that to the right no longer used, that to the left having panelled doors and glass engraved 'SALOON BAR'; chamfered corner entrance with scrolled pediment and double panelled doors engraved 'THE CROWN'; entrance in Cloudesley Road altered; flat-arched windows between above panelled plinth, the lower panels of the windows and small toplights having engraved glass; fascia and dentil cornice; red brick quoins to upper floors; first-floor windows segmental-arched with heads of gauged red brick under a linking cornice, while those to the second floor have apro, sill band and flat-arched heads all of gauged red brick; frieze of gauged red brick with festoons in terracotta panels; dentil cornice; external stack to Cloudesley Square with ogee profile and panels of red herringbone brick; parapet.
The interior has features which could be of late C19 or early C20 date, notably panelled dado, panels and frieze of moulded and glazed tile, relief-moulded ceiling, island bar front and glazed screens; but they may be replacement designs in whole or part.
Two star - A pub interior of very special national historic interest
Listed status: II
The Crown has some sumptuous and unusual details, including some rare snob screens and magnificent glazed partitions.
This is a stylish Fuller’s house located in a smart part of Islington, and appears to have been rebuilt in the late 19th century in the fashionable Queen Anne style. The outside walls are notable – simple thin screens of timber and huge expanses of glass framed by granite faced Corinthian pilasters. The lower panels of the windows have good etched glazing and the small top-lights are also decorated. Within, there is a panelled dado and a relief moulded ceiling. This is complemented with a pretty frieze with cream and green tiled strap work decoration. An elegant wooden fireplace adorns the left-hand side of the pub.
The servery sits right in the middle of the pub and would originally have been surrounded by a series of separate drinking compartments. Two very fine full-height glazed partitions survive from this scheme. Oddly, three of the outer doors are labelled ‘Saloon Lounge’ - it’s probable that this dates from the time the layout was simplified. The door to the former publican's office still exists in the glazed bar-back although it is mainly hidden behind a wine rack and an under-counter fridge.
The counter is extremely impressive with small panel details and a tapering base. It supports a long row of ten snob screens which originally sheltered off-sales customers from the denizens of the pub. There is another unusual two-bay curved screen on the counter at one end of the servery which also originally held snob screens.
A stylish Fuller’s pub, with some sumptuous and unusual details, located in a smart part of Islington.
It appears to have been rebuilt in about 1900 and has attractive red-brick and polished, red granite and grey Larvikite detailing. The outside walls are notable – simple thin screens of timber and huge expanses of glass. The lower panels of the windows have fine etched swirling and polished glass and the small panes at the top are also decorated.
The servery sits right in the middle of the pub and was originally surrounded by a series of separate drinking compartments. Fortunately, enough survives to get a good sense of how things used to be. Each of the outside doors would have led to its own compartment and a couple of partitions survive.
The door to the former publican's office still exists in the glazed bar back although it is mainly hidden behind a wine rack and an under-counter 'fridge.
The counter is a fine piece with small panel details and a tapering base. It supports a long row of ten snob screens. There is another unusual two-bay curved screen on one end of the counter which originally held snob screens too. Finally, on the inner walls, don’t miss the pretty frieze with cream and green strapwork decoration.
This Pub serves 1 changing beer and 2 regular beers.
Crown, London
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