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Lloyds No 1, Nottingham

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Operator: Wetherspoon
1 Carlton Street, Nottingham, NG1 1NL (View on Google Map)
CAMRA voucher scheme

As the name suggests, this is a Lloyds bar. Popular with all ages, especially at weekend evenings, when beer may be served in hard plastic, rather than glass. Several dance floors on different levels give this a nightclub feel in the evening, but during the daytime the pub is much quieter. Refurbished September 2017.

Historic Interest

Lloyds No. 1 is a Grade II listed building (No. 1271309) located in Nottingham City Council's Lace Market Conservation Area. "Bank, later public house and shop. Mid C19, altered later C19, the bank further altered c1900. Stucco with stucco dressings, and ashlar. Slate roofs. Italianate style. Quoins, string courses, modillion eaves cornice with tile frieze, parapet. 3 storeys; 4 window range. No.39, to left, forms a projecting bay. Restored C19 shopfront, full width, with round-arched lights. Above, 2 windows on each floor, reglazed, with moulded architraves. Bank, to right, has a single storey front c1900, with granite plinth and plain doorway flanked by single windows, under a cornice and balustrade. Above and behind, a full width traceried opening with central round-arched window under a dentillated cornice. Above and behind again, the original front, with 2 plain sashes. Right return, c1900, 4 windows, has a projecting bay to left and a full width balustrade. INTERIOR has a porch with mid C19 round-arched doorway, fanlight and sidelights, divided by Doric columns. Banking hall has a cross beam ceiling carried on 6 Corinthian marble columns, Corinthian pilasters, and dentillated cornices." (Historic England). [Nottingham City Council; Bridge Ward / Nottingham South Parliamentary Constituency]

Information for this venue is provided by the Nottingham Branch of CAMRA
Previous Names
Local Authority
City of Nottingham (B)
Last updated
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Leasehold owner
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Asset of Community Value
8:00am - Midnight
8:00am - Midnight
8:00am - Midnight
8:00am - Midnight
8:00am - 1:00am
8:00am - 1:00am
8:00am - Midnight
9:00am - 11:00pm
9:00am - 11:00pm
9:00am - 11:00pm
9:00am - 11:00pm
9:00am - 11:00pm
9:00am - 11:00pm
9:00am - 11:00pm

Current beers

This Pub serves 6 changing beers and 2 regular beers.

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Lloyds No 1, Nottingham

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Lunchtime Meals Lunchtime Meals
Evening Meals Evening Meals
Garden Garden
Smoking Smoking
Wi Fi Wi Fi
Real Ale Real Ale
LocAle LocAle
Cask Marque Cask Marque
CAMRA Voucher Scheme CAMRA Voucher Scheme
Close to bus routes (100m)
Close to metro (100m)
Lace Market
Nearby Station (750m)

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Front August 2017. (Pub, External, Key). Published on 06-08-2017
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0.0 miles
Front December 2017. (Pub, External, Sign, Key). Published on 15-12-2017
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Front May 2021. (External, Key). Published on 02-05-2021
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20 Victoria Street, Nottingham, NG1 2EX
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