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Brew Tavern, Nottingham: Central

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Operator: Brew Cavern
Cabman's Shelter, 1a Queens Road, Nottingham: Central, NG2 3AS (View on Google Map)


A superb but minimalist conversion of an Edwardian cabbies' locker and rest room adjacent to the main railway entrance. Well worth a visit by rail passengers in need of refreshment, even though it is off-platform. As the railway station has its own tram stop it is also an excellent starting-off point for those wishing to try the pubs of Nottingham, Hucknall or Beeston. A small single ground-floor room with central bar and original features such as bench lockers, painted wooden panelling and window-frames. Recently re-opened as the sister pub to Brew Cavern and offering a rotating range of five cask and seven keg beers with an extensive selection of cans and bottles.

This pub is over-18s only, including sitting outside

Historic Interest

Brew Tavern is located in the old Cabman's Shelter and still retains some of the original features such as the driver's chest benches and coat-hooks. Part of the 1904 Midland Railway Station designed by AE Lambert and Charles Trubshaw in a Neo-Baroque style for the Midland Railway Company and now a Grade II* listed building (No.1271301). The station is constructed of a mixture of red brick, terracotta and faience (glazed terracotta) with slate and glazed pitch roofs over the main buildings, whilst the Cabman's shelter has a largely wooden frontage.The grandiose use of columns on the shelter facade and the use of traditional railway-style vertical wooden boarding links the functionality of the shelter to the grander architectural scheme. The railway station has an entry in Nottingham Pevsner pg.165 (E. Harwood 2008 / Yale U.P.). Brew Tavern is in Nottingham City Council's Station Conservation Area. [Nottingham City Council; Bridge Ward / Nottingham South Parliamentary Constituency]

Information for this venue is provided by the Nottingham Branch of CAMRA
Previous Names
Local Authority
City of Nottingham (B)
Last updated
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Leasehold owner
Freehold owner
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Asset of Community Value
Noon - 10:00pm
Noon - 10:00pm
Noon - 10:00pm
Noon - 10:00pm
Noon - 11:00pm
11:00am - 11:00pm
Noon - 10:00pm

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This Pub serves 5 changing beers and 0 regular beers.

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Brew Tavern, Nottingham: Central

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Garden Garden
Small, cosy outdoor seating area behind the sandstone gate pier and to the side of the entrance
Disabled Access Disabled Access
small step and no accessible toilet
Dog Friendly Dog Friendly
Lined Glasses Lined Glasses
Smoking Smoking
Outdoor seating
Real Ale Real Ale
Real Cider Real Cider
Close to bus routes (20m)
Close to metro (50m)
Nottingham Station
Adjacent station
adjoining Nottingham Station

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