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Peveril, Peel

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Operator: Independent
Crown Street, Peel, IM5 1AJ (View on Google Map)
No website available

The Peveril has a very local, non-touristy clientele, the quintessential Isle of Man pub. Looking out over Peel harbour, the Peveril is arguably best visited just before sunset - in summer outside in the beer garden. It has the usual pub games and indoor seating areas and two bar rooms. Snacks, toasties or crab baps will be available during summer months.

Historic Interest

First licensed in 1825 though estimated build date was in 1730 and was at one time the home of Captain George Savage the High-Bailiff until 1802.

Information for this venue is provided by the Isle of Man Branch of CAMRA
Previous Names
Local Authority
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Leasehold owner
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Asset of Community Value

A large private residence until c1825 (High Bailiff's house) when it became an Inn. Crown St entrance leads directly into the Public Bar, which has a solid bar back (1930s?) now painted red and white and with simple wood shelving. Outward sloping slatted wood bar counter front (the top is a replacement) and brass footrail. Panelled ceiling and similarly styled bench seating. Modern flagstones and large modern fireplace and surround. Across the corridor is a further bar with slatted wood panelling but with more modern fittings.

A large private residence until c1825 (High Bailiff's house) when it became an Inn. Crown St entrance leads directly into the Public Bar, which has a solid bar back (1930s?) now painted red and white and with simple wood shelving. Outward sloping slatted wood bar counter front (the top is a replacement) and brass footrail. Panelled ceiling and similarly styled bench seating. Modern flagstones and large modern fireplace and surround. Across the corridor is a further bar with slatted wood panelling but with more modern fittings.

General information about historic pub interiors
Noon - 11:00pm
Noon - 11:00pm
Noon - 11:00pm
Noon - 11:00pm
Noon - Midnight
Noon - Midnight
Noon - 11:00pm

Current beers

This Pub serves 2 changing beers and 3 regular beers.

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Peveril, Peel

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Changing beers typically include: Odin - Manx Mild

Source: Local

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Sports TV Sports TV
Garden Garden
Family Friendly Family Friendly
Especially outside in the summer
Dog Friendly Dog Friendly
Games Games
Darts, Pool.
Real Fire Real Fire
Separate Bar Separate Bar
Smoking Smoking
Wi Fi Wi Fi
Real Ale Real Ale
LocAle LocAle
Close to bus routes
5, 6
Not all go to the promenade past the pub

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(External, Key). Published on 26-01-2021
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