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Spotted something missing or not quite right with the information about this venue? Correct any of this other drinking establishment's information using the tabs below. This data will be provided to South West Essex branch of CAMRA who can action these updates in due course.
If you are trying to contact the other drinking establishment, please do not use this form, which will be sent to CAMRA, who have nothing to do with the operation of the other drinking establishment.
Please fill out any changes in all the relevant areas before submitting. Changes made in each section will be submitted all at once.
Please include the full url including "https://"
Submitted photos are sent directly to the branch for consideration before being added to
Photo format should be jpeg.
Please enter any details of the number and/or examples of regular beers
Please enter any details of the number and/or examples of changing beers
Would you like to add feedback to any other areas before submitting? - Details, Address, Images, Times, Beers, Features & Facilities
If you are trying to contact the other drinking establishment, please do not use this form, which will be sent to CAMRA, who have nothing to do with the operation of the other drinking establishment.
Thank you, your feedback for De Roya, Barking has been sent to the South West Essex (ESW) branch.
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