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Bohemian, Eastbourne

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Situated by the theatres and near the seafront, this pub has a large L-shaped bar, to the rear area it overlooks the Devonshire Park tennis courts. The pub was bought by Eastbourne Borough Council in 2017 as part of the redevelopment of the Devonshire Quarter site; it was refurbished in 2024. Long Man Best Bitter is regularly served along with another Long Man ale, with the other two beers sourced from other local breweries. The food menu includes a number of Eastern European dishes.

Information for this venue is provided by the South East Sussex Branch of CAMRA
Previous Names
Stage Door; Buccaneer
Local Authority
Eastbourne District (B)
Last updated
Last surveyed
Leasehold owner
Freehold owner
Eastbourne Borough Council
Pub ID
Asset of Community Value

Built by the Duke of Devonshire for the staff of the Grand Hotel in 1898 with three distinct turrets and four polished granite columns. It original had a newsagents shop on the left hand side, bottle and jug, public bar, 2nd class bar, a narrow bar, private bar, and a saloon at the rear; also accessible from within the servery only was another private bar. A corridor ran down the right hand side to access all the rooms. Now all in one the Victorian bar counter remains with a working water tap i.e. water still connected and the drainage still in place. On the counter you can see where the partitions were situated. The bar back fitting is modern. A front door is blocked up. It was extended back in the 1970s.

Built by the Duke of Devonshire for the staff of the Grand Hotel in 1898 with three distinct turrets and four polished granite columns. It original had a newsagents shop on the left hand side, bottle and jug, public bar, 2nd class bar, a narrow bar, private bar, and a saloon at the rear; also accessible from within the servery only was another private bar. A corridor ran down the right hand side to access all the rooms. Now all in one the Victorian bar counter remains with a working water tap i.e. water still connected and the drainage still in place. On the counter you can see where the partitions were situated. The bar back fitting is modern. A front door is blocked up. It was extended back in the 1970s.

General information about historic pub interiors
Noon - 11:00pm
Noon - 11:00pm
Noon - 11:00pm
Noon - 11:00pm
Noon - 1:00am
Noon - 1:00am
Noon - 10:00pm
Noon - 3:00pm & 5:00pm - 8:00pm
Noon - 3:00pm & 5:00pm - 8:00pm
Noon - 3:00pm & 5:00pm - 8:00pm
Noon - 3:00pm & 5:00pm - 8:00pm
Noon - 3:00pm & 5:00pm - 9:00pm
Noon - 3:00pm & 5:00pm - 9:00pm
Noon - 4:00pm

Current beers

This Pub serves 2 changing beers (such as Three Legs, Lakedown, Burning Sky.) and 1 regular beer.

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Bohemian, Eastbourne

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Close to bus routes (20m)
All Eastbourne Routes (450m away)
Nearby Station (750m)

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