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Rethink Wales alcohol ban if evidence shows pubs being unfairly targeted: CAMRA

Release date: December 10, 2020

Responding to the decision by MSs from all parties in Senedd Cymru (the Welsh Parliamentyesterday to require the Welsh Government to publish the evidence behind the decision to ban the sale of alcohol in pubs and restaurants, CAMRA Chairman Nik Antona said:

Whilst it is disappointing that the Welsh Government are sticking with the draconian alcohol ban and 6pm curfew which has put thousands of jobs as well as the very future viability of our pubs at risk, it is encouraging that there was cross-party support for publishing the evidence behind this decision.

“We look forward to this evidence now being made public as quickly as possible. To date, we have not been convinced that banning people from enjoying a pint in a COVID-secure pub is more of a transmission risk than meeting people from other households for a coffee - or that having alcohol with a meal is riskier than having a soft drink.

“The Welsh Government’s evidence must take into account the thousands of pounds that has been spent by publicans to improve safety, ventilation and implement table service and track and trace – as well as the knock-on impact of the alcohol ban on drinking cheap supermarket booze at home.

Otherwise, it will be hard not to conclude that pubs are being unfairly singled out for extra restrictions compared to other businesses.”

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