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Old Granary, Langham Lane, Lodsworth, GU28 9BU (View on Google Map) 01798860861 Website


Langham Brewery was established in 2006 in an 18th century granary barn and is set in the heart of West Sussex with fine views of the rolling South Downs. It is owned by Lesley Foulkes and James Berrow who brew and run the business. The brewery is a 10-barrel, steam-heated plant and more than 200 outlets are supplied.

7 Regularly Produced Beers

Langham - Best

Langham - Best

Produced: Regularly Brewed


Premium Bitter

ABV: 4.5%
Langham - Session Bitter

Langham - Session Bitter

Produced: Regularly Brewed


Session Bitter

ABV: 3.5%
Langham - Hip Hop

Langham - Hip Hop

Produced: Regularly Brewed


Session Golden Ale

ABV: 4%
Langham - Langham Special Draught/LSD

Langham - Langham Special Draught/LSD

Produced: Regularly Brewed


Premium Bitter

ABV: 5.2%
Langham - Arapaho

Langham - Arapaho

Produced: Regularly Brewed


Premium Pale Ale

ABV: 4.9%
Langham - Saison

Langham - Saison

Produced: Regularly Brewed



Differently Produced Speciality Beers

ABV: 3.9%
Langham - TRIPLE XXX

Langham - TRIPLE XXX

Produced: Regularly Brewed


Strong Mild

ABV: 4.4%

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Langham - Brewery Tour

Tours by arrangement

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