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Alb, Shrewsbury (Albert)

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Formerly the Albert, renamed and re-opened as a "lounge bar with restaurant" in October 2012. This pub was extensively renovated by the new owners, who bought it from Marston's. The makeover has been drastic and some of the original Victorian features have been ripped out. On the credit side, it is now much cleaner with quality pub furniture and wooden flooring.

There is a small snug, with large and deep settees available for private functions. Upstairs is a splendid restaurant, used for evening meals, meetings or promotions, whereas lunch-time bistro-type food is served downstairs at your table. The large inner courtyard has been partitioned off to allow people access to the toilet facilities without exposure to the elements. The door at the end leads into an external courtyard. The pub's big advantage is its location - next door to the bus station and 200m from the railway station.

Drinkers of a certain age will remember the original Albert Hotel, one of the 15 pubs in the Branch area appearing in the initial 1974 Good Beer Guide (GBG) with the legend: "Mitchells & Butlers, Ansells, pleasant people and attractive pub with well kept beer". Arguably the pub's heyday was the 10 year GBG stint (1978-1987) when it was noted for its guest beer selection at a time when they were not so common. Darts players and Simpkiss drinkers of that era would no doubt be bemused by the current incarnation with cocktail menus on the tables. It is no less popular these days, but now appeals to a completely different demographic.

Breakfast is served 08:00 - 10:00 Monday to Friday and 09:00 - 11:00 at the weekend..

Note that real ale is not always available. A Plan B beer is available from Wednesdays. When it is sold, that's it until the following week.

Information for this venue is provided by the Shrewsbury & West Shropshire Branch of CAMRA
Previous Names
Albert Hotel
Local Authority
Last updated
Last surveyed
Leasehold owner
Freehold owner
P&B Leisure Ltd
Pub ID
Asset of Community Value
Noon - 11:00pm
Noon - 11:00pm
Noon - 11:00pm
Noon - 11:00pm
Noon - 11:00pm
Noon - 11:00pm
Noon - 11:00pm
Noon - 3:00pm & 5:00pm - 9:00pm
Noon - 3:00pm & 5:00pm - 9:00pm
Noon - 3:00pm & 5:00pm - 9:00pm
Noon - 3:00pm & 5:00pm - 9:00pm
Noon - 3:00pm & 5:00pm - 9:00pm
Noon - 3:00pm & 5:00pm - 9:00pm
Noon - 3:00pm & 5:00pm - 9:00pm

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Alb, Shrewsbury

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Lunchtime Meals Lunchtime Meals
Evening Meals Evening Meals
Garden Garden
The seating in front of the pub allows for year-round expansion when the weather is suitable, though the view of the bus station is more suited to people-watchers than those seeking quiet contemplation. There is a more secluded off-road courtyard to the rear of the pub.
Accommodation Accommodation
Seven hotel rooms
Events Events
Monthly quiz
Restaurant Restaurant
Smoking Smoking
Courtyard at rear.
Real Ale Real Ale
Close to bus routes (100m)
Bus station
Nearby Station (200m)

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