14/01/23 - Confirmed yesterday still no handpumps. The Plimsoll Lager is brewed by Forest Road according to Untappd. Was relatively quiet last night, possibly as there was no obvious food by 9.30pm. Perhaps they don't do food on a Saturday or in January.
Still no obvious website and nothing new on Instagram since October.
Slightly interesting keg including two Thornbridge and a Harbour. There is a Plimsoll Lager with no note of where it comes from.
From HotDinners, https://www.hot-dinners.com/2021062410623/Gastroblog/Latest-news/four-legs-the-plimsoll-auld-triangle-finsbury-park-pub-restaurant-opening-london - the pub has now reopened. There is a full kithcen weekday evenings, weekend menu.
"The Plimsoll naturally splits into two halves. The first section, facing St Thomas's Road, will be the dining room. You'll be able to book a table here and there will also be room for walk-ins. Here is where you'll also find the brand new open kitchen.
The back half of the pub, which can be accessed from Plimsoll Road will be the pub bit of the equation. During the renovations, the team found the old taps from back when it was The Plimsoll Arms so those are being given a good old going over with Brasso and being reinstated. What you can see now from the work they've done is that this is actually a really beautiful old Victorian pub and it's going to look great when it's finished."
"The team behind London-based burger concept, Four Legs, are set to open a pub in Finsbury Park. Founders Jamie Allan and Ed McIlroy have spent the past two years serving their dishes at The Compton Arms in Islington. Now they are planning to set up home at the former the Auld Triangle pub in St Thomas’ Road to showcase “a much wider repertoire of food”.
The pub will relaunch under its former name of The Plimsoll. Allan and McIlroy said although the building is a “proper pub and we intend to leave it that way”, they do want to make some changes. To help fund the transformation, they will be launching a crowdfunding campaign on Kickstarter, which, among other things, will create space the kitchen team can use for curing meat, making cheese and brewing beer.
Paul Tallentyre of Davis Coffer Lyons advised the private landlord who granted a new lease at £50,000 pa."
Past Info:-
Another Irish pub currently (August 2014) awaiting later opening hours.
Planning application (PA: P2018/1577/FU) refused for Change of use of basement and ground floor from a public house (A4 Use Class) to three flats (C3 Use Class) comprising of 1 no. one-bed flat, 1 no. two-bed flat and 1 no. three-bed flat including ground floor front elevation alterations and installation of new repositioned windows to rear elevation at ground floor level and associated alterations. Refusal of permission 23-04-2019
Plimsoll, Finsbury Park