The New Market Hotel, established in 1936, is located on Bath Road and is ideally situated close to the Rugby Ground & Bridgwater College. It has a large bar, function room, meetings rooms, pub sports facilities, live entertainment and 5 Bed and Breakfast rooms. Skittle alley.
Built 1936 this is a large brick pub with impressive porticoed entrance and contemporary with relocation of the market. It still retains original fittings just inside the door such as panelling on the walls and a hatch which was for the hotel reception. The small lounge on the left retains its 1930s panelling walls and a small brick fireplace but is little used and not in good order. The public bar, originally three rooms, was 'Victorianised' in 19XX. The off sales with a door on the left of the pub is still there but disused. large function room at the rear has been modernised. There is a skittle alley upstairs (not inspected) and a small cocktail bar on the rear left is now a store room. Not enough old fittings remain.
Built 1936 this is a large brick pub with impressive porticoed entrance and contemporary with relocation of the market. It still retains original fittings just inside the door such as panelling on the walls and a hatch which was for the hotel reception. The small lounge on the left retains its 1930s panelling walls and a small brick fireplace but is little used and not in good order. The public bar, originally three rooms, was 'Victorianised' in 19XX. The off sales with a door on the left of the pub is still there but disused. large function room at the rear has been modernised. There is a skittle alley upstairs (not inspected) and a small cocktail bar on the rear left is now a store room. Not enough old fittings remain.
New Market Hotel, Bridgwater