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Crook Inn, Tweedsmuir

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This Pub is Closed Long Term

AUG 2024 - The Wee Crook cafe is open all year on Friday, Saturday, Sunday and Monday 10am till 4pm. This is the conversion of one of the outbuildings, not the main Inn, and does NOT serve alcoholic drinks.

MAY 2024 - A grant has been awarded from Government levelling up funding towards the new bunkhouse in an outbuilding. The redevelopment of the old hotel, which remains closed and increasingly derelict, will be the next stage if funding can be found.


Has been bought by the Tweedsmuir Community Company and they have plans to reopen in various stages. See website for more details.

Information for this venue is provided by the Edinburgh & South East Scotland Branch of CAMRA
Previous Names
Local Authority
Scottish Borders
Last updated
Last surveyed
Leasehold owner
Freehold owner
Pub ID
Asset of Community Value

One star - A pub interior of special national historic interest

Listed status: C

Update 2023  All the indications are that the work to the pub to bring it back into use will see the Art Deco bar fittings replaced with new ones. The toilets are more likely to survive unscathed.


An early 19th-century coaching inn (although claimed to date from 1580) with an extension in c.1936. Most of the Art Deco fittings of that era, including the finest surviving ladies’ and gents’ loos, has been retained. Walk through the terrazzo-floored lobby and past the period hotel reception to find Willie Wastle's Bar at the rear. This is just as it was, with a lapped wood door and bar counter, gantry of shelves, stone fireplace with a circular hearth and copper hood. Even the chunky furniture - chairs, tables including a barrel one, and corner seat - is original.

General information about historic pub interiors

Currently closed but the pub is to be brought back to use by a local group, formed for the purpose, the Tweedsmuir Community Company. Renovation may take some time but when completed this will be a wonderful place to visit (and, indeed, stay). For the record, before closure our description read: An early 19th-century coaching inn (although claimed to date from 1580) with an extension in c.1936. Most of the Art Deco fittings of that era, including the finest surviving ladies’ and gents’ loos, has been retained. Walk through the terrazzo-floored lobby and past the period hotel reception to find Willie Wastle's Bar at the rear. This is just as it was, with a lapped wood door and bar counter, gantry of shelves, stone fireplace with a circular hearth and copper hood. Even the chunky furniture - chairs, tables including a barrel one, and corner seat - is original.

A visit to the toilets is a must for their vitreous wall panels (two-tone blue in the ladies'; cream with black and red frames in the gents'), Art Deco weighing machine in the ladies', mirrors and plumbing.  

General information about historic pub interiors
Opening Times Unavailable

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Crook Inn, Tweedsmuir

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Real Heritage Pub Real Heritage Pub
Community Pub Community Pub
A701, between Moffat and Broughton

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