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Tier 3 will be devastating for pubs and pub-goers in and around London this Christmas: CAMRA

Release date: December 14, 2020

Responding to the announcement that London and parts of Essex and Hertfordshire will go into Tier 3 from Wednesday, CAMRA National Vice-Chair Abigail Newton said:

“Going into Tier 3 in the run up to Christmas - which is usually their busiest time of the year - is absolutely devastating news for pubs and breweries in and around the capital.

“This week, pub goers across the country are flooding social media and MP’s inboxes with reasons why #PubsMatter to show just how important our locals are to communities, for local services and meeting spaces and to tackle loneliness and social isolation.

“Not being able to go to the pub this Christmas as a result of this decision will be a real blow for many Londoners. That’s why the Government needs to ensure all pubs are treated fairly in all tiers, and that they get a decent level of financial support to survive these damaging Tier 3 restrictions, which will put the future of otherwise viable pubs at risk.”

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