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CAMRA comment on new figures showing an 82% drop in beer sales during COVID-19 crisis

Release date: April 17, 2020

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Commenting on new SIBA figures showing craft beer sales have dropped 82% during the COVID-19 lockdown, CAMRA Chief Executive Tom Stainer said:

“The stark figures released by SIBA, which show an 82% drop in craft beer sales since the COVID-19 crisis began, highlights the devastating impact that lockdown is having on the brewing industry.

“Whilst we have seen an explosion in the brewing industry over recent years, this sombre report is a strong warning that the industry will not emerge unchanged from this crisis. Without swift and substantial support, consumer choice will be hard-hit after the lockdown passes.

“Much more needs to be done to support brewers during this time. With their route to markets all but blocked through pub closures, we need to ensure that brewers have the same access to business rate reliefs, loans and grants that is currently available for pubs. We’d also like to see beer duty payments deferred and licensing laws relaxed so that brewers and pubs that only have on sale licenses can sell to the off trade during the crisis.

“Beer drinkers also have a vital role to play in sustaining the breweries they love. We encourage customers to source their beer locally and directly from brewers. CAMRA now has over 2,000 breweries, cideries and pubs offering takeaway and delivery services listed on its Pulling Together page to make this as easy as possible for consumers – simply visit to find out how you can support a brewer near you.”

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Notes to Editor:

CAMRA, the Campaign for Real Ale, is a not-for-profit consumer group with over 192,000 members that has been operating since 1971. Our vision is to have quality real ale and thriving pubs in every community.

Media Contact:

CAMRA Press Office:
01727 337863

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