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CAMRA flagship festival postponed

Release date: December 11, 2023

The Campaign for Real Ale’s Great British Beer Festival is taking a year off in 2024 but will return in 2025 with a bang! Work is now underway by organisers and volunteers to explore a variety of options for the future – and the festival will return better than ever before.

CAMRA’s Events Director Catherine Tonry commented: “While we are understandably extremely disappointed CAMRA’s flagship event will not take place next year, we are now looking at a range of options for its triumphant return in 2025.

“It has been a difficult decision to make as it is the highlight of our calendar. Unfortunately, our current venue could not offer us the dates we needed. It is essential the Great British Beer Festival is the absolute best it can be for our valued volunteers, wider membership and customers.”

Ongoing building works could also affect CAMRA being able to host its flagship festival to the high standards customers and members have come to expect.

Catherine added: “While other venues have been explored, due to timescales, costs and our requirements we have not being able to secure a suitable venue. While this was not a decision taken lightly, we will now look forward to the future and continue with plans for 2025, looking at a variety of options and venues.”

Work is also underway to look at plans for next year’s Champion Beer of Britain competition, which usually culminates at the national festival. This illustrious competition runs over a two-year period, thanks to the dedication of thousands of CAMRA members who vote across 12 beer styles each autumn.

Catherine also thanked everyone who attend or volunteers at CAMRA’s Great British Beer Festival and looks forward to seeing everyone in 2025.

CAMRA’s Great British Beer Festival Winter takes place next February and tickets are now on sale. This year’s festival will also be home to the prestigious Champion Winter Beer of Britain award, with the winners announced during the trade and press session. This annual festival taking place between 14-17 February 2024, brings together hundreds of UK beers, international beers and real ciders and perries.

© Campaign for Real Ale 2023 - 2025 (ce-9)