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Cashflow help for small businesses welcome but Scottish Deposit Return Scheme still risks ‘catastrophic’ reduction in choice for drinkers: CAMRA

Release date: February 21, 2023

Responding to the announcement by Circularity Scotland today (21st February) of £22 million of cashflow support to help producers with the introduction of the Deposit Return Scheme from August 2023, CAMRA's Scottish Director Stuart McMahon said:

“Removing up front charges and making labelling easier for small breweries and cider producers is a welcome step in the right direction to help small businesses take part in the Deposit Return Scheme without large up-front fees. 

“Even with this announcement, with a hard deadline of 28th February for signing up to take part in the Deposit Return Scheme, CAMRA still fears small producers across these islands simply aren’t going to be able to commit, now, to the months of bureaucracy and extra costs required to continue selling products into the Scottish market. 

“Ministers urgently need to commit to an 18-month grace period for small and independent breweries and cider producers to opt into the scheme as it is rolled out. Otherwise we risk seeing a catastrophic reduction in consumer choice of quality beer and cider when the Deposit Return Scheme goes live in August.” 

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