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CAMRA welcomes confirmation in law on pub deliveries and takeaways in Scotland

Release date: April 02, 2020

For more information, contact press on 01727 337 863 or email

The emergency Coronavirus (Scotland) Bill passed by the Scottish Parliament on Wednesday confirms that pubs can sell alcohol for consumption off the premises, as well as food to take-away or for home delivery where it is safe to do so.

The legislation clarifies that pubs across the country can continue to sell alcohol for consumption off the premises, where they were already allowed to do so.

Pubs can also offer food to take-away or for home delivery if food was previously provided on the premises.

Any pubs continuing to offer take-away or delivery services must adhere to the Scottish Government’s safe social distancing guidance, as well as complying with all other standard health and safety requirements.

This includes making sure that there is a distance of at least two metres between staff and any customers collecting items, and control of queues outside the premises consistent with social distancing advice.

Commenting, CAMRA Director for Scotland Sarah Crawford said:

“The fact that this emergency legislation puts it beyond doubt that pubs can sell alcohol for consumption off the premises, and offer food for takeaway or delivery where the pub previously offered food, will be welcome news for pubs who are still looking to offer services throughout the COVID-19 restriction.

“This will need to be done safely and in line with strict social distancing measures, but it does mean that communities who want to continue to support their local can do so. This will be especially important in our rural communities, where the local pub may be the only accessible business in the area.

“CAMRA is continuing to call on the UK and Scottish Governments to make sure that pubs of all types and sizes receive the support they need to get through the coronavirus crisis, so they can keep paying staff and are able to re-open and thrive once this is over.”

Media Contact:

CAMRA Press Office:
01727 337863

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