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CAMRA responds to the Government's measures to mitigate the impact of COVID-19

Release date: March 18, 2020

Following the Chancellor's announced measures to mitigate the impact of COVID-19, please find below comment from CAMRA's National Chairman, Nik Antona:

"The Government's announced measures to mitigate the devasting impact of COVID-19 do not go far enough in ensuring no pub, club or brewery goes out of business as a result of the current crisis.

"While a business rate holiday for all hospitality businesses and rate relief for eligible pubs will help alleviate some costs, this will do little to compensate for the potential collapse of cashflow in businesses which customers have been told to stay away from. Making loans to businesses with no money coming in and multiple overheads to meet through a period of no, or low trading, is simply kicking the can down the road.

"We would urge additional measures to cover all liabilities, however long the restrictions on pubs, to ensure these vital businesses can emerge unsaddled by debt and able to deliver the many benefits to the communities they serve."

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