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CAMRA partners with UK brewers to help beer-lovers learn more about their favourite drink

Release date: March 05, 2020

Discovery Zones to return to beer festivals in 2020

For more information, contact press on 01727 337 863 or email 

CAMRA will once again partner with British brewers to help beer and cider lovers learn more about their favourite drink at CAMRA festivals up and down the country.

The ‘Discovery Zones’, which debuted last year, give festival-goers the chance to meet local brewers, sample comparative beer and cider tastings to calibrate their senses, and explore fresh brewing and cider making ingredients on the floors. 

The programme was heralded as a great success in 2019, with seven festivals taking part in the pilot and 45 brewers lending their time to help visitors learn more about their brews. The Discovery Zones also provided space for informative talks and panel sessions, curated by the likes of award-winning beer writer and broadcaster Emma Inch and cider educator Gabe Cook, as well as collaborations with not-for-profits such as the LGBTQ+ Queer Brewing Project. 

Learning & Discovery Manager Alex Metcalfe says: “I think the most important takeaway from last year is that the sky is the limit. From running a ‘Re-Think Cider’ event in Manchester to delving into issues around gender and equality in Cambridge, there is a real thirst for greater knowledge and discourse about the beer and cider industry. 

“There are no stupid questions at our Discovery Zones. Each event is run by both volunteers and expert brewers, and we all learn a lot from whoever turns up on the day – it’s very much a two-way process. That’s why I’m so excited to see so many festivals take the initiative forward in 2020.”

This year, the Discover Zones will be featured at the following festivals:

Visitors can simply stop by the stand when visiting the festival to get involved.

CAMRA is currently looking for coordinators to help run these Discovery Zones across its festivals, so if you think you can help get in touch by contacting


Access more photos of Learning and Discovery Zones here.

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