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Wolf - Battle Of Britain

Brewed by Wolf

Wolf - Battle of Britain

A British Best Bitter, copper in colour this ale has lots of bite. English hops Goldings and Challenger combine to make this a glorious full bodied brew. A donation is made on each sale to the RAFA “Wings” appeal.

Produced: Apr-Nov
Vegan No
Gluten Free No
Style: Session Bitter ABV: 3.9 Colour:

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Beers brewed by Wolf

Wolf - Golden Jackal

Wolf - Golden Jackal

Produced: Regularly Brewed


Session Golden Ale

ABV: 3.7%
Wolf - Granny Wouldn't Like It

Wolf - Granny Wouldn't Like It

Produced: Regularly Brewed


Red Ale

ABV: 4.8%
Wolf - Straw Dog

Wolf - Straw Dog

Produced: May-Jun


Differently Produced Speciality Beers

ABV: 4.5%
Wolf - Woild Moild

Wolf - Woild Moild

Produced: Regularly Brewed


Strong Mild

ABV: 4.8%
Wolf - Wolf in Sheep's Clothing

Wolf - Wolf in Sheep's Clothing

Produced: Regularly Brewed



ABV: 3.7%
Wolf - Lavender Honey

Wolf - Lavender Honey

Produced: Regularly Brewed


Flavoured Speciality Beers

ABV: 3.8%

© Campaign for Real Ale 2023 - 2025 (ce-9)