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Cheviot - Koza

Brewed by Cheviot

Cheviot - Koza

Moving towards producing a European type beer, Cheviot have produced Cheviot Koza using Premium lager malt, Polish Lubelski and Czechoslovakian kazbek hops. The beer is light, citrus and, in a blind tasting, could be mistaken for a Belgian geuze.

Light Citrus Lager
Produced: On Demand Only
Vegan No
Gluten Free No
Style: Differently Produced Speciality Beers ABV: 4 Colour:

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Beers brewed by Cheviot

Cheviot - Menhir

Cheviot - Menhir

Produced: Oct-Mar

Cornhill on Tweed

Strong Stout

ABV: 5.1%
Cheviot - Upland Ale

Cheviot - Upland Ale

Produced: Regularly Brewed

Cornhill on Tweed

Session Bitter

ABV: 3.8%
Cheviot - Flodden Thirst

Cheviot - Flodden Thirst

Produced: Apr-Sep

Cornhill on Tweed

Premium Pale Ale

ABV: 5.4%
Cheviot - Trig Point

Cheviot - Trig Point

Produced: Regularly Brewed

Cornhill on Tweed

Premium Pale Ale

ABV: 4.5%
Cheviot - Black Hag

Cheviot - Black Hag

Produced: Regularly Brewed

Cornhill on Tweed

Session Stout

ABV: 4.4%
Cheviot - Harbour Wall

Cheviot - Harbour Wall

Produced: Regularly Brewed

Cornhill on Tweed

Session Pale Ale

ABV: 4.2%

© Campaign for Real Ale 2023 - 2025 (ce-11)