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Treen's - Gwynn

Brewed by Treen's

Treen's - Gwynn

Traditional German-style wheat beer. Aromas of spicy cloves and soft fruits from the yeast are followed by smooth creamy flavours from the wheat with a crisp and refreshing finish. Unfined and naturally hazy, wheat beers are known as white the world over. What better name than the Cornish for white.

Smooth Refreshing Creamy Fruits
Produced: Jun-Aug
Vegan No
Gluten Free No
Style: Differently Produced Speciality Beers ABV: 4.5 Colour:

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Beers brewed by Treen's

Treen's - Cloud Cuckoo

Treen's - Cloud Cuckoo

Produced: Dec-Feb


Strong Mild

ABV: 5.9%
Treen's - Classic

Treen's - Classic

Produced: Regularly Brewed


Session Bitter

ABV: 4.3%
Treen's - Essential

Treen's - Essential

Produced: Regularly Brewed


Session Pale Ale

ABV: 3.8%
Treen's - Resolve

Treen's - Resolve

Produced: Regularly Brewed


Strong Stout

ABV: 5.2%
Treens Sunbeam Pump Clip-1

Treen's - Sunbeam

Produced: Regularly Brewed


Premium Pale Ale

ABV: 4.8%
Treen's - Krowsek

Treen's - Krowsek

Produced: Dec-Dec


Premium Bitter

ABV: 4.8%

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